Pole produces next Con-Struct album on Bureau B

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  • Stefan Betke will contribute the next record in the series which uses Conrad Schnitzler's archive as the basis for new compositions.
  • Pole produces next Con-Struct album on Bureau B image
  • Pole will deliver the next album in Bureau B's Con-Struct series on March 31st. The series centres around the work of the late Conrad Schnitzler, a prolific German composer and avant-garde artist who was a member of groups like Tangerine Dream and Kluster. Around 2011, just prior to Schnitzler's death, M=minimal boss Jens Strüver was given access to his extensive audio archive. That year, Strüver and studio partner Christian Borngräber created the first Con-Struct album, a collection of eight original compositions which used these uncovered sounds and led to the series being opened up to other collaborators. Pole (AKA Stefan Betke) will be the fifth artist to release a Con-Struct album, the third on Bureau B, with previous contributors including Schneider TM and Pyrolator. Despite admitting that "in earlier times I never quite warmed to Conrad Schnitzler's work," Betke explains that his first encounter with Schnitzler via Tangerine Dream led him to embrace electronic instruments in a live band context and has since had an important influence on his trajectory as a musician. His Con-Struct album employs 50 percent of Schnitzler's sounds, percent his own, and features "a modified old rhythm machine, two old synthesizers" and Betke's modular system. Tracklist 01. Wurm 02. Sieht Hoch 03. Lacht 04. Und Fängt Den Vogel! 05. Drachenbäume Sind friedliche Wesen 06. Wiegenlied Für Katzen BureauB will release Con-Struct on March 31st, 2017.