Hamburg's Demorave campaign joins May Day rally to protest venue closures

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  • Thousands are expected to join the International Labour Day demo in defence of music venues, social justice and workers rights.

  • Hamburg's Demorave campaign joins May Day rally to protest venue closures image
  • Hamburg protest movement Demorave is participating in a May Day rally today, May 1st, to protest against the impact of gentrification on music venues and workers. The city's nightlife is under threat due to the reconstruction of the Sternbrücke bridge, which has caused venues to close and relocate. Speaking to Resident Advisor, Demorave cofounder Alex Strauss said further closures could impact hundreds of workers. "We decided to join the May Day demo because we believe techno is inherently political and we want to use the power of music to advocate for a positive change for workers," he said. Organised by Wer-hat-der-gibt, the May Day protest will also comprise groups that represent climate change, wealth re-distribution, social justice, open borders and anti-racism. Thousands are expected at the rally, which will navigate Hamburg's wealthiest areas. It starts at 2.30 PM at Theodor-Heuss-Platz and will travel towards Harvestehude and Rotherbaum. The Demorave crew will join the rally with a sound system and DJs including Jesse, hotfriedricecracke and 6D. An open-air afterparty, organised by Demorave promoters Dans Collective, will run from 5.30 PM with DJs such as Navid Asadi, DJ BTM and Baily Brown. Several Hamburg venues—including PAL, Beat Boutique, Waagenbau, Fundbureau and Astra Stube—have closed since January. Celebrated spot Molotow is expected to close at the end of this year. Strauss said the authorities are "trying really hard, but we still can't tell what the future will bring." In the meantime, he said the local government is planning to implement new legislation that will allow it to purchase for-sale premises before investors–thus "prevent another situation like Molotow." Demorave has also planned a series of summer street parades, which will culminate with a major protest event later this year. We'll report more on this story as it unfolds. Browse Instagram for more information.
    Photo: Dpa