Tone Depth ft. Matt Shapiro - To The Moon

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  • Going on his own for the time being, Tone Depth enlists the vocal cords of Matt Shapiro in hopes to create a new sound for himself with To The Moon. The Original Mix retains the essence of Tone Depth musical style; deep flowing bass lines with subtitle melodies and a pinch of tribal rhythms for an added flare. Gone are the sensual guitar stings, though most people who have followed his career with studio partner, Soul Tan, will hear a new direction for this release. Arrangements more in line to fit Shapiro’s lyrics, the production is built to envelope around Shapiro instead of playing in the background. A bit strange though as all Shapiro is there for is just two lines for the whole time as you would have assumed his presence would be felt more than what it is. The Club Mix is near identical to the Original Mix. With heavier emphasis on the bass lines, and a slight alteration to Shapiro’s vocals at the break, most, if not everyone will not hear a difference between the two. Though the bass line works much better in the Club Mix than the Original Mix, it still doesn’t justify having two mixes that are near identical in this day in age on vinyl. I may be wrong, maybe I need to hear this on a quality club sound system to understand the difference, but from what I hear now, you have to wonder why Audio Therapy didn’t add at least one of the digital mixes for “To The Moon” along with the vinyl to give the release some added depth. Tone Depth has always made music that creates a certain mood. Moody and sensual has always been his bread and butter, however, in search to distinguish himself away from Soul Tan and Stephanie Vezina, he doesn’t find the mark he’s looking for.